Architecture and precarities
Ingrid Taillandier participates in the Professional Morning at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal.
The Architecture and Precariousness platform is the result of a review conducted by researchers in architecture and sociology. It is intended for professionals in the field of planning and development by making visible projects, actions, collectives, publications and teaching in France and around the world that provide original responses to the various forms of contemporary precariousness. Our project in Ferrières-en-Brie is one of them.
The presentation of this platform by its designers will be followed by an discussion with four architects, invested in these subjects, to understand the concrete conditions of realization of projects (shelters, places for the elderly, etc.).
Presentation of the platform
Stéphanie Dadour, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, Umr AUSser
Elisabeth Essaïan, ENSA Paris-Belleville, Umr AUSser
Laetitia Overney, ENSA Paris-Belleville, Umr AUSser
Discussion with
Florian de Pous, architect, Dadour de Pous architecture
Francis Landron, architect, Francis Landron Architecture
Nancy Ottaviano, architect, co-director of the Quatorze collective
Ingrid Taillandier, architect, ITAR architectures